Monday, May 16, 2011

UPDATE: Spring is in the Air {Giveaway! Closed!}

Congrats Shana!  You've won my Spring Giveaway!  Contact me at to let me know if you want the ellieBands or a custom ellieBeanie!  (and I love that your favorite memory of spring is DEFINITELY one of my favorite--although I seem to remember we stole more kinds of flowers from people's gardens than just lilacs haha).  <3

Can anyone else say "FINALLY!"??  This nice spring-ish weather has been a long time coming, and boy have we here in Zoo-Town needed it.  It's a rough enough winter, but then when it takes two extra months for the sun to show its glowing face and for those cleansing rains and winds to blow in, it makes living here challenging.  But then give we Missoulians two days in the sun like we had last week, and voila! We forget there ever was such a thing as winter!

Lucky for me, I have a fun little hobby I can do rain or shine, and I've been up to my usual production of 3-4 hats per week.  This is a small Herculean feat, as I have also been busy doing about a million other little things, but I am so excited to see more little kids give my hats the true personality that they deserve.  After all, a hat is nothing without the perfect head to sit upon, no? 

a "Rainbow" of ellieBands
And in celebration of being in business for 6 weeks, and the fact that my Ellie B. turned 6 months old on Sunday, I'm announcing a new giveaway opportunity. Comment me (below) and tell me your favorite childhood memory that involves Springtime! Everyone who comments will be entered in a drawing for either one beanie (any style/size) or a full set of my "Rainbow" ellieBands.  
Ellie B. turns 6 months!

See, Spring sunshine must make me feel generous, because there is no purchase necessary to enter (but a purchase or two would be appreciated nonetheless, this yarn doesn't buy itself! tee hee)  

Happy Sunny Days, everyone!
<3, Ellie B's mama, Heather

**Enter from 5.16.11-5.20.11, Drawing will take place on Saturday, 5.21.11**


  1. It has to be spending time at the lake...either fishing or swimming.

    Thanks so much for giveaway. Dani Lee on FB

  2. After a long New Hampshire winter, once the snow melts and the birds return and start building their nests, children get to go outside in a little less clothing and play with friends. For me this meant Red Rover, Freeze Tag and TV Tag in the yard. Mom has 5 or 6 lilac bushes and, when in bloom, their fragrance was a comforting companion. Shortly after I bought my house in Virginia, we transplanted one of those lilac bushes to my yard. To this day, one blissful whiff of their scent takes me home. =)

  3. In Montana this isn't so much a spring memory as a summer one, but I have very fond memories of our first picnic of the season!

    love to ellieb (and her beautiful family)

  4. Growing up in the midwest it had to be the warming afternoons followed by an evening thunderstorm and the excitement that school was almost out for the summer.
    In Montana it amazes me each year how the ground goes from looking dead and gray to green and lush overnight and I am always renewed when I see the first farmers market open.
    This quote says it best:
    In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ~Margaret Atwood

  5. My favorite spring memory is helping my dad plant his gigantic garden, anticipating all the yummy veggies we would get to enjoy in the fall. I also loved loved when my mom started hanging the clothes outside to dry, that always meant summer was coming

  6. My favorite spring memory is every year I used to love (and still do) when the snow would melt, and everything smells so fresh. The days getting longer and the air getting warmer. I just love everything about spring. It's my favorite season!

  7. My favorite spring memory from my childhood is just the everyday things we would do after we got home from school. I miss the jumping on the trampoline (sometimes in the rain), building sagebrush forts, having "club" meetings, playing hide and seek in the dark...this list could go on and on. Just all of those memories of being a kid and not having a care in the world. It was all fun, all the time. :)

  8. I have fond memories of the Oak Street crew and May Day. We would decorate cups to hold flowers and we pulled flowers from the lilac bush on the corner. We would leave them at our neighbors' doors and then complete the nicest "door ditch" in history! :)

  9. "Hunting" frogs at my Nan n Pops house in kittridge! She had ponds so at night HUNDREDS of frogs could be heard croaking! We would stand real still and listen to the croaks and then use our flashlights to find them. whoever found the biggest frog won. I learned that the loudest croaks come from the smallest frogs! A valuable life lesson if there ever was one! :)
    Another memory is all those dances me and Em made up on the trampoline to backstreet boys songs. Also the time we were singing in the kitchen using salt n pepper shakers as mics...and Tom walked in. Yeah, that was embarassing but unforgettable.

  10. Love the new blog and the new business. Keep it up...

  11. I can't think of a favorite spring time memory from childhood but paddle fishing with the boys last spring in Glendive was pretty epic. Might be happening again this weekend!!

  12. At the house that I grew up in through most of junior high and high school, even Spring was met with seemingly endless rain. As we had a very long driveway (we lived quite a ways out of town), these rains inevitably meant that our drive home was through a few feet of mud - to the point where we would have to park out at the end of the driveway and walk home. There was no way we could get the cars, even the truck, through that. Every spring, for years - a month or two of trudging through the mud to get to town and back again.

    To this day, my family has a word for that muck - gumbo!
